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(404) 738-6000

Montgomery Burn Injury Lawyer

Attorney Brown’s Super Lawyer selection as a top attorney exhibiting excellence in the field of personal injury is a testament to his outstanding expertise in getting excellent monetary results for his personal injury clients.

CALL US NOW Meet Dwayne Meet Dwayne BTN

If a preventable burn injury has cost you your good health, a dependable salary, and your happy family life, a Montgomery lawyer from our firm wants to help. You can focus on feeling better while we push the liable party to pay financial compensation that would make it easier for you to rebuild.

At the Law Office of Dwayne L. Brown, we take pride in giving our clients the compassionate support and candid advice they deserve during a difficult time. Call our Montgomery catastrophic injury lawyer now to start your case with a free case review.

How Burn Injury Compensation Can Change Your Life

It is not an exaggeration to say that your burns have totally upended all aspects of your life. Your career, your personal life, and your health may never be the same. As a result of all these changes, you may be struggling financially and unsure of your future stability.

It is okay if you need time to mourn your old life and process your feelings about the accident that led to this. While you take care of yourself, our personal injury attorney would be proud to fight for the money you can use to get your family back on its feet.

Financial Losses Connected With the Burns

Burns and the accidents that cause them can be very expensive. Compensation from the liable party can help you cover the following:

  • Loss of income, benefits, or your job
  • Medical expenses
  • Property damage
  • Any other bills generated by the accident (e.g., you had to hire someone to take care of your lawn because you could not do that work yourself)

Bodily Injuries Connected With the Burns

As the Cleveland Clinic explains, there are many types and “levels” (or degrees) of burns. Any burn can cause disruptive symptoms on a temporary basis, while the more serious ones can affect your health permanently. You can recover compensation for:

  • Physical pain and other symptoms
  • Emotional trauma and mental anguish
  • Painful or disfiguring scar tissue
  • Disabling injuries
  • Loss of consortium (i.e., negative changes in your relationship with close relatives)

Wrongful Death Damages After a Fatal Burn Injury

If your loved one lost their life because of their burn injuries, please accept our deepest condolences for your loss. Your family may be eligible to file a wrongful death lawsuit, but the lawsuit would need to be filed by the representative of the estate. Also, Alabama awards punitive damages to families, not compensatory damages. As the name implies, these damages are meant to punish the negligent party and warn others against similar actions. Our wrongful death lawyer can assist your family in these proceedings.

What About Punitive Damages for Burn Injuries?

You may have heard of another type of compensation called punitive damages. This is additional money paid to the victim of an extreme act of negligence, like if the manufacturer of a faulty product displayed a repeated, systemic disregard for consumer safety.




Punitive damages are rare, but we never discount the possibility that a client may qualify for them. Our personal injury lawyer can let you know if you should seek punitive damages after we investigate your case.

Getting Help From Our Burn Injury Legal Team in Montgomery

Our Alabama burn injury lawyer believes that personal injuries deserve personal attention. That is why we:

Treat Burn Injury Survivors Like Family

The Law Office of Dwayne L. Brown takes a limited number of cases so that we have ample time to devote to each and every client. You can expect us to contact you regularly, both to update you on the case and to make sure that you are doing well.

Our team is concerned about more than just your legal situation. We also want to make sure you get the medical care you need and can even recommend doctors to treat you.

Charge No Upfront Fees to Montgomery Clients

We know that money is one of your top concerns right now. To make sure we do not add to your financial burden, we offer free case reviews to all potential clients. This review can be done over the phone.

Once someone hires us, we do not ask them to pay any attorney’s fees up front. Instead, we wait until we win the case to send a bill—and we send no bill at all if we do not win. Our firm and our clients are truly in this together.

Carefully Investigate the Cause of Every Burn Injury

This critical step involves collecting enough evidence to prove your case against whoever caused your accident. We might build your casefile by:

  • Visiting the scene of the accident to see it for ourselves
  • Collecting documentary evidence, such as records, photos, and video
  • Interviewing everyone with knowledge of the accident, including witnesses and the at-fault party

Pursuing the Burn Injury Compensation Your Family Needs

Our 30 years of experience in personal injury law has taught us that no two cases are alike. Our Montgomery burn injury attorney can consider your situation and goals very carefully before deciding whether to:

  • Start out by trying to negotiate with the liable party’s insurance company for a fair settlement
  • Take your case to court if the insurer will not negotiate in good faith
  • Go to trial right away, bypassing the negotiation phase, if we feel that is necessary (e.g. if the insurer is especially reluctant to cooperate)
  • Return to the negotiating table if the insurer indicates they are willing to work with us after the trial preparations or the trial itself has begun

Ready to learn more? Call us now to speak to the Law Office of Dwayne L. Brown today.

What to Do After an Alabama Burn Injury

It is crucial for both your health and your legal case to seek out medical care right away following the accident. You might need an ambulance to take you to the ER or, if you were injured at work, emergency first aid from the on-site doctor. Burn injury treatment, per the Mayo Clinic, may include:

  • Hospitalization
  • Skin grafts and other surgeries
  • Pain management
  • Physical therapy

Why Is Burn Injury Care So Important?

First and foremost, it prevents you from suffering any more than necessary and can prevent life-threatening complications like infections.

Getting care also produces a medical record of your official diagnosis and treatment plan. You can use this to prove that:

  • The negligence-related accident caused your burns
  • The medical expenses you are seeking compensation for are justified
  • The physical and emotional pain you are seeking compensation for are justified

Prompt Action Protects Your Rights After a Montgomery Accident

Burn injury survivors should look to AL Code § 6-2-38 for the deadline by which they must file a personal injury lawsuit. This law gives you two years from the day you were injured to begin a case. If you let the deadline pass, you lose the right to damages.



Schedule a Free Case Review

This deadline (two years) is the same for wrongful death cases, but the relevant law is codified in AL Code § 6-5-410.

Burn Injury Causes in Montgomery, Alabama

Burn injuries can occur whenever you are exposed to a hot or caustic substance. Some common causes of burns that you can sue for include:

  • Open flames: Fires caused by negligent property maintenance or defective tools or appliances can all cause fires and burns.
  • Electricity: Frayed wires or faulty equipment may give off sparks that lead to burn injuries.
  • Chemicals: Certain industrial cleaners, for instance, are very caustic and can cause serious harm to exposed skin.
  • Extreme temperatures: Even without an open flame, very high (or very low) temperatures can burn you.

Where Do Burn Injuries Happen?

Many different places and scenarios can expose you to the hazardous substances listed above. Our Montgomery burn injury lawyer can help you file a burn injury case after a(n):

  • Car accident, if the crash resulted in a fire or explosion
  • Incident on someone else’s property, such as an electrical fire caused by faulty wiring or exposure to improperly stored chemicals
  • A workplace accident, if you are not given adequate protection or training for dealing with hazards commonly found at your job site

Who Is Responsible for Montgomery Burn Injuries?

This is a critical question. You cannot file a suit for damages until you identify who caused your injuries. The target of your lawsuit might be:

  • An individual, like a reckless driver who caused a crash or a property owner who failed to look after their land
  • An organization, like a corporation that knowingly sold faulty products or an employer that did not provide legally required training to employees
  • More than one party, like if an individual and an organization both displayed negligent behavior that contributed to your accident

The Law Office of Dwayne L. Brown can figure out who is liable in your case and fight vigorously to hold them accountable. One look at our case results shows that we are serious about doing right by our clients.

Our Burn Injury Team Is Ready to Tackle Your Montgomery Case

The Montgomery burn injury lawyer at the Law Office of Dwayne L. Brown wants to ensure the law treats you fairly. Let us represent you in your pursuit of justice and fair compensation. Call us today so we can evaluate your case at no cost, risk, or obligation to you.


My family and I met Attorney Dwayne Brown after the unfortunate accident involving my niece. Attorney Brown did an exceptional job representing my family. He was the consummate professional, and treated my family with the utmost dignity and respect. As a result of his representation, my family was able to achieve a substantial settlement in our case. Although we obviously did not get our loved back, we are prayerful that we met Attorney Brown. My family would highly recommend Attorney Brown to anyone in a similar situation.

Rafiq A.

An excellent and professional lawyer. He took on a car accident case on my behalf, worked with me from across the country, and was just as vigorous in his pursuit of justice on day 912 as he was on day 1.

Michael L.

Attorney Brown represent me on a case involving a motor vehicle. Another attorney indicated they could not help and I was recommended to attorney Brown by a well-respected member of my community. Attorney Brown resolved my case to my absolute satisfaction and did an excellent job. I highly recommend his services.

Nikia S.

Attorney Brown is simply the best! Very communicative, hard working and he puts his clients first. I'm a stickler when it comes to customer service and I got nothing but first class service!

Keitron G.

Attorney Brown is simply the best! Very communicative, hard working and he puts his clients first. I'm a stickler when it comes to customer service and I got nothing but first class service!

They were very good with helping with my case, they made sure I was well updated on everything involving my case and they are very nice people.

Gabby H.

I know Dwayne personally and have worked with him many times professionally. You won't find a more ethical, hardworking lawyer. He truly cares about his clients' welfare and getting them back on their feet, moving forward empowered.

Ryan R.

Case Results

  • $11,500,000

    Confidential resolution wherein the Law Office of Dwayne L Brown successfully recovered an eight-figure settlement for the family of an individual involved in an 18-wheeler wreck that occurred in the Atlanta Metro area.

  • $5,500,000

    Law Office of Dwayne L. Brown in collaboration with another law firm represented the children of a pedestrian struck by a delivery vehicle while working.

  • $3,000,000

    The Law Office of Dwayne L. Brown successfully represented a minor whose father was killed by a third-party commercial driver while working.

  • $3,000,000

    Law Office of Dwayne L. Brown helped to facilitated the resolution of a catastrophic wreck in the State of Ohio after 2 years of litigation.

  • $2,650,000

    The Law Office of Dwayne L. Brown successfully represented a family of a deceased armed services veteran who died in a tractor trailer collision as a result of improper road signage.

  • $2,100,000

    The Law Office of Dwayne L. Brown successfully represented the family of a deceased victim against a neurologist who failed to conduct a CT Head examination thereby resulting in a catastrophic injury.

  • $1,876,000

    The Law Office of Dwayne L. Brown successfully represented a truck driver who struck another truck driver who negligently operated his motor vehicle below the posted speed limit.

  • $1,750,000

    The Law Office of Dwayne L. Brown successfully represented the family of an infant who was injured at birth by an OB/GYN who failed to conduct an emergency c-section.

  • $1,343,237

    The Law Office of Dwayne L. Brown successfully represented a client who sustained several broken bones due to a car accident that occurred in Fulton County, Georgia.

  • $1,000,000

    The Law Office of Dwayne L. Brown successfully represented a minor whose father was killed while traveling to work when a commercial driver negligently failed to yield the right of way. The trucking company paid the maximum amount of available insurance.

  • $1,000,000

    Law Office of Dwayne L. Brown successfully represented a driver who was injured when an emergency vehicle negligently impeded oncoming traffic resulting in a vehicle collision.

  • $550,000

    The Law Office of Dwayne L. Brown successfully represented a worker who sustained a herniated disc injury while working on a commercial vehicle

  • $535,000

    Law Office of Dwayne L. Brown successfully represented a driver who was reared ended by another vehicle and sustained a neck injury.

  • $500,000

    Law Office of Dwayne L. Brown successfully represented an uber driver who was struck by another vehicle and sustained a knee injury.

  • $450,000

    Law Office of Dwayne L. Brown successfully recovered on behalf of a client who sustained a concussion in an automobile collision.

Free lawyer consultation

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    Atlanta Personal Injury Lawyer

    3390 Peachtree Rd NE, Suite 1100
    Atlanta, GA 30326
    (404) 738-6000

    Montgomery Personal Injury Lawyer

    2740 Zelda Road, Suite 500
    Montgomery, AL 36106

    Our Client Reviews

    Law Office of Dwayne L. Brown

    5.0 / 5.0

    Based on 50+ reviews

    Rafiq A.

    My family and I met Attorney Dwayne Brown after the unfortunate accident involving my niece. Attorney Brown did an exceptional job representing my family. He was the consummate professional, and treated my family with the utmost dignity and respect. As a result of his representation, my family was able to achieve a substantial settlement in our case. Although we obviously did not get our loved back, we are prayerful that we met Attorney Brown. My family would highly recommend Attorney Brown to anyone in a similar situation.

    Michael L.

    An excellent and professional lawyer. He took on a car accident case on my behalf, worked with me from across the country, and was just as vigorous in his pursuit of justice on day 912 as he was on day 1.

    Nikia S.

    Attorney Brown represent me on a case involving a motor vehicle. Another attorney indicated they could not help and I was recommended to attorney Brown by a well-respected member of my community. Attorney Brown resolved my case to my absolute satisfaction and did an excellent job. I highly recommend his services.

    Keitron G.

    Attorney Brown is simply the best! Very communicative, hard working and he puts his clients first. I'm a stickler when it comes to customer service and I got nothing but first class service!

    Gabby H.

    They were very good with helping with my case, they made sure I was well updated on everything involving my case and they are very nice people.

    Ryan R.

    I know Dwayne personally and have worked with him many times professionally. You won't find a more ethical, hardworking lawyer. He truly cares about his clients' welfare and getting them back on their feet, moving forward empowered.